Yifang Chen 陈一方
About meI am currently a forth year Ph.D student in computer science and engineering from University of Washington. I am very fortunate to be advised by Prof. Kevin Jamieson and Prof. Simon Shaolei Du. My general research interests lie in designing practical and adaptive machine learning algorithms with strong theoretical guarantees. One of my main focus is on corrupted and non-stationary online decision making setting. Recently I am growing my interest in applying active learning and experimental design techniques in large-scale models (Computer Vision, LLM, multi-modal) to improve the training and label efficiency. Particularly, from the empirical side, I am interested in doing a through investigation on how modern pre-trained models can help downstream data collection and how the human-in-the-loop algorithm can further improve the large scale models. From the theoretical side, I am interested in designing online/active learning algorithm beyond the linear setting, and combine that with the deep representation learning theory. Check out our website LabelTrain.ai, which is an ongoing open-source project for experimentally exploring the strengths and weaknesses of label-efficient learning algorithms Prior to starting my PhD study, I did my master and undergrad in electrical engineering from University of Southern California advised by Prof. Haipeng Luo. I want to specially thank him as well as my colleague Chen-Yu Wei, who led me into the world of learning theory from nowhere. ResearchMy detailed research interests include
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